How we make your dream a reality.

Custom Home Process

The custom home process starts with you.

We start with a list of everything you want in a dream home. We question to find the why behind each item. We make suggestions as we see fit. We never stop striving to deliver the home of you dreams, on time and on budget.

1. Design & Precon.

We can both provide design services, and work with the architect of your choice, the decision is solely yours. Either approach can be successful, but you must have a skilled team with defined roles. We run point and are you single point of contact from permitting to getting the keys.

2. Site work & Foundation

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

3. Framing, MEP, Windows

This is the time period where your home will change visibly nearly every day. Framing can take 1 -2 months, and we follow that up with all the electrical and mechanical components of your build which can take a 2-3 months depending on project scope. During this time we get the roof and windows in place, and run dehumidification to get the house nice and dry and ready for finishes.

4. Finishing

Drywall, trim, cabinetry, tile, flooring and paint are the staples of the finish stage of your home. Special care to all of the above results in a beautiful home. You will see all of you hard work on selections come to life.

5. Home Owner Handoff

After all of our quality control measures are complete we walk the house with the homeowner for two primary reasons: one to explain and orient the homeowner to their new home and its systems, and to also develop a punch list of items that may require attention. Your dream home is now ready.

6. Beyond

All our homes include a 1 year inhouse warranty, along with a 2 year systems warranty, and a 10 year structural warranty. Reach out and ask us about our systems and methodologies that we feel build a better home.